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650 Massachusetts Ave. NW Suite 600 Washington, DC 20001

About us

How We Serve

We help people struggling with low-income identify their ideal career, pay for their training, provide professional mentoring Until They Get Hired and for One Year After while preparing them for stable housing, personal wellness and family unity, to avoid poverty and positively impact their communities.

We Embrace Unique Learning Styles so Everyone Can Get a Chance at Success.

We believe and understand that people have different learning styles. Training should be offered in ways to achieve the desired outcome for each individual person.  Each workshop, class or program is designed for all participants to understand what’s being presented.  FAST Forward Communities delivers training from classroom and virtual lessons to social media and hands on activities.  

Our educational programs and services are delivered with dignity, respect, integrity, and excellence by trained and experienced professionals with compassion and hearts to serve.  

Training Services are offered at no cost to FAST Forward Communities Registered Participants who meet the qualifying criteria. For those who are not registered or do not qualify, a fee will be applied. Regardless of status, everyone is welcome to access our services and participate in our programs.

FAST Forward Communities is a 501c3 Charitable Organization.
Your donation is tax deductible. EIN 83-4721810

We serve individuals and families in Washington, DC and neighboring communities. We partner with community leaders to bring meaningful programming with lasting positive impacts.

How Will Your Donations Be Used?

Your donation goes towards training individuals in four essential areas of life that collectively build a foundation to help them rise above the challenges of poverty: 

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Career Success

We equip people with unique skills, guidance, and knowledge to not only secure a job but to thrive in a career they love through professional training, certification, and mentorship. By doing so, they can earn a fair salary and provide for themselves and their families.

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Family Unity

Strong families form the backbone of any thriving society. We nurture family bonds, teaching the values of support, unity, and collaboration, ensuring that every member plays their role in breaking the poverty cycle.

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Personal Wellness

Mental, physical, and emotional well-being are crucial. We emphasize the importance of self-care, exercise, eating well, mental health, and personal development, ensuring individuals have the fortitude to face challenges head-on.

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Housing Stability

A roof overhead provides more than shelter; it offers security, stability, and a place to call home for adults and children. We guide individuals on how to secure stable housing, fostering an environment for growth and prosperity.

About the Trained 4 Transition Campaign

We are excited to introduce you to the Trained 4 Transition fundraising campaign, a beacon of hope for countless individuals striving for a better life. Our objective is more than just immediate assistance; we aim to provide long-lasting tools and education that break the chains of poverty, then transition people to ensuring sustained success for generations and their communities.

You Can Help Beat Poverty through our Trained 4 Transition Fundraising Campaign. It’s a Lifeline to Rising Above Poverty.

Train People… Beat Poverty

FAST Forward Communities is founded upon Christian Faith-based values. We serve with compassion, love and excellence.

Our Mission

Empower people struggling with low income to beat poverty through personal development and individualized career training.

Our Vision

Communities where every person is presented opportunities to create a successful life and learn to beat poverty for generations.  

Who We Are

We help people with low incomes achieve life-long success through training for career success, personal wellness, family unity and stable housing.